Staff Augmentation
Teaming Up
GMO provides an excellent example of what Staff Augmentation can look like at Deep Space Robots. Our current arrangement is quite flexible, structured around an agreed-upon set of hours for three key roles: a manual/automated testing developer, a full-stack developer, and a flex role (typically consisting of a project manager or designer). GMO has the freedom to adjust the hours they would like our team to work - as well as the roles and skills needed - easily and as their needs evolve.
The Right Fit
The Deep Space Robots team members that augment the existing GMO development team are vetted by us to ensure their skills and experience align with the needs of GMO, and then are personally vetted by GMO’s CTO, Yvonne Carlson. Once approved, our team members are enmeshed in the processes, task management software, and communication channels of GMO. The leadership team at Deep Space Robots provides support and training for these team members, as well as vision-casting conversations with Yvonne and the rest of the GMO team.
Growing Together
Both our organizations have found this arrangement to be highly beneficial. It provides for what is needed, is scalable (we can onboard a new team member quite quickly into GMO’s codebase as we have other team members already within it that can serve as guides for the new developer), and allows for a relationship dynamic that looks beyond just the tasks at hand and towards the broader goals of the organization.